Tag: wet granulation

Compared To Wet Granulator, What Are Benefits Of The Dry Granulation Machines?

If you are not sure what type of granulator would be best suited for your business, you may be looking at both wet and dry models. Those that use wet materials are able to handle the moisture, whereas the dry ones, which are very common, need to use dry powder. The production capabilities of each one, and the types of materials that you can use, can all vary significantly depending upon what type of pellets you are manufacturing. If you are creating the fertilizer pellets, you will likely need to consider whether or not a wet or dry granulator is best suited for the compost that you are using.

New type organic fertilizer pelletizer for wet granulation


Wet Granulators Versus Dry Granulators

The dry granulation process often uses a machine with mechanical compression components. Often referred to as slugs, these are used to facilitate the agglomeration of the material into pellet form. You may also be looking at dry granulation machines that use compaction. These typically use some form of roller in the production sequence. On the other hand, wet granulation is going to use some type of solvent or a binding agent in order to facilitate the agglomeration, typically a materials such as lignin. In both cases, the solidity of the pellets will be dependent upon the machine and materials used.

Double roller press dry granulation machine

Are There Advantages To Either One?

There are some advantages to using wet granulation machines. First of all, the granules that you will be using will often be more spherical, whereas dry machines will use a distinct powder. Wet machines will have a much better flow process as you are compressing everything into pellets. Wet machines also allow you to avoid extremely high pressures, which may help you can serve on the power you are using when activating these machines. Essentially, the main difference is that dry granulation does not involve the use of any liquids, whereas wet granulation does for it to work.

drum type wet granulator machine


Which One Should You Use For Your Business?

The one that you choose may be dependent upon how much money you have at your disposal. It also depends on the manufacturer and how much they are willing to charge. Additionally, the production value of the machines can factor into your final choice. It just depends on what you are trying to accomplish. For example, when you are using a dry granulator, it will involve the use of rollers that will compress the pellets together, forming a continuous sheet of pellets that can lead to millions of these been formed. When using a wet granulation machine, you must use some form of nonvolatile and non-toxic liquid binding agent which may involve the use of isopropanol, ethanol, or even mortar. If you are combining compost together, or if this is some type of lumber products to create pellets for a woodstove, the process is very similar. You simply have to contact each of the businesses that produces both wet and dry granulator determine what would work best with your materials.

flat die peleting machine for dry granulation

Now that you have a better idea of how they work, and what the differences are, you can then make your choice. Whether you choose to use a wet granulator, or one that only uses dry materials, you must consider the process, components used, and the type of pellets you are producing. Eventually, you will locate a business that will have both types of machines and they can provide you with specifications for all of them. You will soon have one of these producing pellets for your business on an ongoing basis.

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